Rabu, 28 November 2012



A firm believer in serving the guest foremost, Mixologist Stanislav Vadrna's life-long mission is to rejuvenate the professional bartender’s status in the realm of hospitality. To that end, Vadrna is working to redefine the global bar industry standards in line with the Japanese philosophy of “ichi-go ichi-e,” or “one lifetime, one meeting.” Though the concept—which says this moment is the only moment and will not come back—originated in the Japanese tea ceremony, and it translates fluidly into the wider world of hospitality, especially behind the bar. Some people may drink to forget, but for Vadrna, the experience of a cocktail is as much about celebrating and acknowledging this moment (as it passes) as it is celebrating the craft of a well-made drink.
It’s natural that Vadrna became so professionally enamored of the “ichigo ichie” concept, as it falls directly in line with his own bartending manifesto, which is both a declaration of presence (“be here now”) and a promise to uphold the true “aloha” spirit of hospitality. And as principal founder of the internationally acclaimed Analog Bartending Institute, Vadrna is able to travel the world, spreading these joint ideas and thus encouraging the evolution of the profession. Born and raised in Slovakia, Vadrna’s cocktail career has taken him all over the world. But when he’s not connecting Eastern ideals with Western bar practices, Vadrna makes his home in Paris and Bratislava, where he lives with his wife and daughter.










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